Welcome back to school is in the air and there is the usual initial laziness to resume on one part and some others can't wait to start attending classes because like me, their holiday was one long stretch of boredom..anyways, either way we are bound to resume in full throttle whether we like it or not and we realize the common denominator amongst student during this period is the skepticism about the new subjects and pondering if it would be simpler or more difficult then the previous ones they have done.and with this skepticism comes a determination not to fail these courses no matter how difficult they get and we struggle to get good grades one way or the other..
I was thinking about this typical resumption scenario and I found out that it is closely similar to our journey in life..
I got a year older some few weeks back and I asked myself "what have I achieved"??I felt as if I was leaving behind an old session and moving into a new session and I internally made a resolve to make this new session which metaphorically means my next 12months before I clock another year again, significant.I told myself I don't want to be in the same spot spiritually,financially and in all other important spheres of my life.thus I want to be better as I grow older.This is closely similar to what we go through in school, we want to get better results as we step into a new session and even though we hear that as we get higher in the faculty so does the courses get tougher,we don't listen do that discouraging tune.we try as much as possible to make the next one better.but you know what I have noticed??most times people stay on the same spot,we really want to get the As and Bs and as little Cs as possible but most times its almost the other way around,why is this so? Maybe its because we are not totally ready for what the session or what life has in stock for us and then when we meet the obstacles we stagger like a solder who goes to war and when he sees the might of his enemy he stands rooted to the ground, transfixed with fear for he can't even run back.
We realize that as we strive in life to be better and amaze ourseelves and make our parents proud!we just sometimes fall short of our expected results and then the self pity and sadness and grief comes into play.
Some blame the lecturers, some blame God some blame themselves and others don't blame at all.
So I asked my self what if the experience we go through as students is going to be synonymous with what we go through as adults??what if we end up not marrying that beautiful lady or handsome rich young man,what if we end up being childless and have to adopt a baby, what if we never become as financially buoyant as we want to be,what if our dreams and aspirations doesn't turn out to be what we want them to be,what if our spouse dies 10years after marriage and we end up being a widow or widower,what if we get fired from our job what if we don't become as great as we envisioned ourselves to be while growing up??,would we crash and burn or rise up and triumph because we humans have a way of always expecting the good things in life to happen us so that when tragedies strike, we stagger and sometimes fall because we don't have the mental shock absorber to make us resilient to such trials..
Therefore what I am saying is in as much as we engage in out daily pursuit of happiness,let's always put it at the back of our minds that human propose but God dispose.let us hope for the best but if the worst comes let us face it like warriors and brave through the storm like ferocious wolves finding their way home.Let us always submit ourselves to the ultimate will of God and know that if He says failure in something is for our good then it sure is..Let us have a strong heart,Let us have no fear
Therefore my word for today is :Strong Heart No fear for whatever comes our way we shall persevere let's be ready for the worst but hope for the best and whatever we get let's give God our thanks..
To the resuming students I wish us all a wonderful session and may our expectation in this new session not be cut short.till we meet again guys..this is the life and times of Badmuz Ray Karter..
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Monday, 26 September 2011
BBM and Friendship
Before I start I just wanna send a shout out to you all who read my last post..it feels really good knowing I am not writing for myself alone and that there are people who actually read and love what I write..big ups guys..
Am gonna be talking about BBM and the new era of friendship which we live in..I know most of us already have an idea of how BBM affects our friendship nowadays but I just wanna shed some more light on it and also hear from your comments what you think..
OK I bought my blackberry last year december and I was excited bout it wanted to talk to everybody and even when I had nothing to say my fingers just itches to ping.then I started to realize that people weren't as enthusiastic as I was.I wondered how come cz these were people I talked to on a daily basis.these were guys I rolled with and girls I flirted with.it was a lil bit absurd when I sent PING and dey don't answer or at best give a lukewarm response.it took me a while to finally figure out that friendship in real life and friendship on BBM are two different things.so different that if we do not understand the art of BBMship we would think no one wants to talk to us not knowing that its just a culture among people not to talk to people they are not really close to in real life on BBM
You see I have lots of friends..or at least I think they are friends..wen I see den pass by I holla at them wen we meet in bank queues we talk and when we meet in the restaurant we talk and sometimes we chat in class.but I realize some of these friendships are meant to stay there.they do not transcend physical communication and its sort of a a taboo to bring them to the realm of BBM..I realized this when my good friend I used to talk to face to face started ignoring me on BBM.I mean we were quite close but just cz I said she 'gbagauned'
She literary ignored me for close to two months.something she wouldn't have done if it was a face to face conversation..then after that I realized some people aren't meant to be talked to on BBM.when you see then on the street you could say hi and engage in the typical chit chat but don not ever make the mistake that you can bring that chit chat to BBM cz most people possess a very funny ego wen pinging..I don't understand how it happens but am sure some of us has experienced what am talking about..I mean you send someone a request and wanna chat with the person but after the typical how far how are you, you realize that conversation well has dried up already then that awkward moment when you guys ask each other-do you have anything else to say-its really awkward..
I have 106 contacts but I actively engage only close to 10 in meaningful conversation via pinging..I wouldn't say the others are not my friends, I would just say I am not special enough or maybe they are not special enough or maybe we both don't see each other special enough to engage each other in periodic pinging..Some don't ping you until they are bored,maybe their best friend BIS has expired ant they are bored and need someone to talk to.that is the moment they remember you and they ping you saying "wassup dear" and in your blissful and wonderful ignorance you think they really wanna engage you in a conversation not knowing they are just using you to pass the time.hmmm.God save us all.I must admit I am guilty of this act too..but in my defence I don't do it too often..I hope..
So what am I trying to say.well what am saying is that know your place on your friend's BBM contact list.the fact that they smile and hug you doesn't mean they would show such civility on the phone.people become different and changed on BBM.I have had close friends..and I mean really close friends delete me cz of a lil argument..you know what that made me realize?that this wonderful gadget of ours might create an illusion that we all are in one mobile community but in actual fact we are so far away from eactother.don't be deceived by the tweets and facebook ish.if they can't tweet at u real life den don't be flattered by their tweets on twitter..feel me??
I am not saying there aren't good and real friend on our BBM..no far from that all am saying is that we shouldn't think that the way we talk to people face to face is how we would talk to them on our mobile messenger..its a totally different world and requires total different skill..that's why someone would say LOL or LWKMD or LWTMB when in actual fact they are like "yeah yeah whatever"
So guys do not feel bad when that person you like talking to so much doenst really talk to you on ur BBM.its just the way it is and I guess it makes us know who our real friends are and next time before sending that red PING text.think of what you really what to say cuz not everyone delights in idle talk when pinging..
I hope I have been able to make a lil bit of sense concerning this matter..so my word for today??its THINK before you PING!!and till we meet again guys..this is the life and times of badmuz ray karter.peace out!!!!!!
Monday, 12 September 2011
Faith Vs Flesh
Hey peeps..this is gonna be my first blog after the introductory one I shared with you all and I want to talk about something that means a lot to me and that is Faith in God and the Flesh of Man...these two entities are mortal enemies and one way or the other one of them has to win in our lives and thereafter subject us to its whims and caprices..
I am no authority in the gospel so I would talk bout these topic within the confines of my limited knowledge.
Hebrews 11:1 says; Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen. Ladies and gentlemen that is where the trouble starts..Fundamentally and Structurally,the ordinary man cannot believe in things he cannot see..If he could the whole idea of receipts and invoices and contratcts would not be in existence because once I say have done this then you should believe me and not try to let me prove it..But man does not operate this way. We love evidence, that's why a boy cannot come home and tell his father that he had an A parallel and that he has no report card to show for it but that is father should have faith though. We all know what would happen if such happens.
The human flesh desires instant gratification and is not good at tarrying for results when he cannot see the proof of the thing thereof..It takes belief in God and His word to do this but like I said the human flesh wants instant gratification..not every one is patient enought to read through the Bible..it takes the wisdom of the Holy spirit to decipher its deeper meaning and not everyone has such gift.
Therefore we are left alone with our ever present and patient Flesh that smiles at us all through our ordeals cuz it knows after our spiritual gra gra some of us would still succumb to its charm..But have we noticed that the pleasures of the Flesh are usually short lived???they don't usually last more than a few seconds ater they have been committed and after that the 'committer' blames the devil..I don't know about you but whenever I give in to my flesh I usualy end up regreting it and my conscience does that wonderful thing it does-it makes you feel guilt, and u know you should feel rightly so.
I am not going to list the various kinds of fleshy blunders we commit but I know in our heart we know what I am talking about.
Our conscience is a sort of moral or spiritual inner voice that would chastise us when we succumb to our flesh and the moment we start to ignore the proddings of our conscience,then there is fire on the mountain of our spiritual and moral life. So what is the purpose of this talk I am talking?? Well I would say am just sharing with you my internal battles and am sure most of you out there probably go thru the same
I have listed out-mentally-all my fleshy vices which I would love to stop and am praying to God to give me the strength to carry it out. you know why? cuz I have come to believe that without the total annihilation of the flesh,God would not manifest himself in our lives. without the subduing of the flesh. our faith would never be perfected and instaed of living as kings, we would live as slaves. Well I for one cannot cope as a slave.So what am going to do? I am going to discpline myself spiritually and continually ask God for the strength to triumph in the ever raging battle between the Flesh and Faith. do think you should do this as well? Yes I absolutely think you should..I believe in God and believe there are dark forces thet tries to bring us down,so am arming myself for the travails of life.it is not easy I know, with all the temptations we see and even those we perpetuate oursleves but I aint giving up and my dear friend,I think you souldn't too...do some soul searching today..I cannot completey exhaust the topic but I hope you would do your own personal reading about it..am wishing you all the best guys..and till we meet again..this is the life and times of badmuz ray karter
I am no authority in the gospel so I would talk bout these topic within the confines of my limited knowledge.
Hebrews 11:1 says; Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen. Ladies and gentlemen that is where the trouble starts..Fundamentally and Structurally,the ordinary man cannot believe in things he cannot see..If he could the whole idea of receipts and invoices and contratcts would not be in existence because once I say have done this then you should believe me and not try to let me prove it..But man does not operate this way. We love evidence, that's why a boy cannot come home and tell his father that he had an A parallel and that he has no report card to show for it but that is father should have faith though. We all know what would happen if such happens.
The human flesh desires instant gratification and is not good at tarrying for results when he cannot see the proof of the thing thereof..It takes belief in God and His word to do this but like I said the human flesh wants instant gratification..not every one is patient enought to read through the Bible..it takes the wisdom of the Holy spirit to decipher its deeper meaning and not everyone has such gift.
Therefore we are left alone with our ever present and patient Flesh that smiles at us all through our ordeals cuz it knows after our spiritual gra gra some of us would still succumb to its charm..But have we noticed that the pleasures of the Flesh are usually short lived???they don't usually last more than a few seconds ater they have been committed and after that the 'committer' blames the devil..I don't know about you but whenever I give in to my flesh I usualy end up regreting it and my conscience does that wonderful thing it does-it makes you feel guilt, and u know you should feel rightly so.
I am not going to list the various kinds of fleshy blunders we commit but I know in our heart we know what I am talking about.
Our conscience is a sort of moral or spiritual inner voice that would chastise us when we succumb to our flesh and the moment we start to ignore the proddings of our conscience,then there is fire on the mountain of our spiritual and moral life. So what is the purpose of this talk I am talking?? Well I would say am just sharing with you my internal battles and am sure most of you out there probably go thru the same
I have listed out-mentally-all my fleshy vices which I would love to stop and am praying to God to give me the strength to carry it out. you know why? cuz I have come to believe that without the total annihilation of the flesh,God would not manifest himself in our lives. without the subduing of the flesh. our faith would never be perfected and instaed of living as kings, we would live as slaves. Well I for one cannot cope as a slave.So what am going to do? I am going to discpline myself spiritually and continually ask God for the strength to triumph in the ever raging battle between the Flesh and Faith. do think you should do this as well? Yes I absolutely think you should..I believe in God and believe there are dark forces thet tries to bring us down,so am arming myself for the travails of life.it is not easy I know, with all the temptations we see and even those we perpetuate oursleves but I aint giving up and my dear friend,I think you souldn't too...do some soul searching today..I cannot completey exhaust the topic but I hope you would do your own personal reading about it..am wishing you all the best guys..and till we meet again..this is the life and times of badmuz ray karter
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Welcome To Me!!!!!
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Me...first let me let you all know that boredom led me to this...I have been home for close to a month and while my friends are busy working in law chambers cz its the holiday season(only God knows what they do anyway but let's just indulge them sha),I sleep and ping and watch movies I have watched before eg 24 and sleep again...So I looked at myself and said what the hell? if I can't work I might as well write cz u know what??I love writing..a lot..
So what will you be reading in this noble and humble blog of mine????hmmm let's see..am gonna be telling you about myself..I dont know if am that interesting but will leave you to be the judge of that...am also gonna be telling you bout what I think about issues that occur around us and all those spicy topics that tickes our fancy...from entertainment to politics to education and spiritual to sexual and...... hmmmm...that's all can think of for now
Its gonna be interactive so you guys can tell me what you think and feel about what am talking about..tell me your ideas and correct me if 'gbagaun'..u know what mean...
So guys once again you are welcome to Me..I promise to give you my best and make it worth your time while reading..its a blogy relationship guys..its gonna be fun and entertaining and hopefully educative at the same time..jump on board peeps....its the Life and Times of Badmuz Ray Karter..
So what will you be reading in this noble and humble blog of mine????hmmm let's see..am gonna be telling you about myself..I dont know if am that interesting but will leave you to be the judge of that...am also gonna be telling you bout what I think about issues that occur around us and all those spicy topics that tickes our fancy...from entertainment to politics to education and spiritual to sexual and...... hmmmm...that's all can think of for now
Its gonna be interactive so you guys can tell me what you think and feel about what am talking about..tell me your ideas and correct me if 'gbagaun'..u know what mean...
So guys once again you are welcome to Me..I promise to give you my best and make it worth your time while reading..its a blogy relationship guys..its gonna be fun and entertaining and hopefully educative at the same time..jump on board peeps....its the Life and Times of Badmuz Ray Karter..
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