Hey peeps..this is gonna be my first blog after the introductory one I shared with you all and I want to talk about something that means a lot to me and that is Faith in God and the Flesh of Man...these two entities are mortal enemies and one way or the other one of them has to win in our lives and thereafter subject us to its whims and caprices..
I am no authority in the gospel so I would talk bout these topic within the confines of my limited knowledge.
Hebrews 11:1 says; Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen. Ladies and gentlemen that is where the trouble starts..Fundamentally and Structurally,the ordinary man cannot believe in things he cannot see..If he could the whole idea of receipts and invoices and contratcts would not be in existence because once I say have done this then you should believe me and not try to let me prove it..But man does not operate this way. We love evidence, that's why a boy cannot come home and tell his father that he had an A parallel and that he has no report card to show for it but that is father should have faith though. We all know what would happen if such happens.
The human flesh desires instant gratification and is not good at tarrying for results when he cannot see the proof of the thing thereof..It takes belief in God and His word to do this but like I said the human flesh wants instant gratification..not every one is patient enought to read through the Bible..it takes the wisdom of the Holy spirit to decipher its deeper meaning and not everyone has such gift.
Therefore we are left alone with our ever present and patient Flesh that smiles at us all through our ordeals cuz it knows after our spiritual gra gra some of us would still succumb to its charm..But have we noticed that the pleasures of the Flesh are usually short lived???they don't usually last more than a few seconds ater they have been committed and after that the 'committer' blames the devil..I don't know about you but whenever I give in to my flesh I usualy end up regreting it and my conscience does that wonderful thing it does-it makes you feel guilt, and u know you should feel rightly so.
I am not going to list the various kinds of fleshy blunders we commit but I know in our heart we know what I am talking about.
Our conscience is a sort of moral or spiritual inner voice that would chastise us when we succumb to our flesh and the moment we start to ignore the proddings of our conscience,then there is fire on the mountain of our spiritual and moral life. So what is the purpose of this talk I am talking?? Well I would say am just sharing with you my internal battles and am sure most of you out there probably go thru the same
I have listed out-mentally-all my fleshy vices which I would love to stop and am praying to God to give me the strength to carry it out. you know why? cuz I have come to believe that without the total annihilation of the flesh,God would not manifest himself in our lives. without the subduing of the flesh. our faith would never be perfected and instaed of living as kings, we would live as slaves. Well I for one cannot cope as a slave.So what am going to do? I am going to discpline myself spiritually and continually ask God for the strength to triumph in the ever raging battle between the Flesh and Faith. do think you should do this as well? Yes I absolutely think you should..I believe in God and believe there are dark forces thet tries to bring us down,so am arming myself for the travails of life.it is not easy I know, with all the temptations we see and even those we perpetuate oursleves but I aint giving up and my dear friend,I think you souldn't too...do some soul searching today..I cannot completey exhaust the topic but I hope you would do your own personal reading about it..am wishing you all the best guys..and till we meet again..this is the life and times of badmuz ray karter
Baddie the writer!!!